Did you know the AATG has a filmclub ?

We recently took part in the Amsterdam 48 hour film project, with our entry ‘A Clockwork Killer’.

Check this page for regular updates on our film-making activities, or contact Michael Connelly to get more information on how to get involved.

Our film projects

A Clockwork Killerdirected by Henri Colens

We received the compulsory elements of our short film at 7.30pm, on Friday 11 October 2024. 

Our film genre: a science fiction AI movie. 
Our character: a kleptomaniac, named Jack.
Our line of dialogue: “Big Brother is watching you”. 
And our prop: an allen key. 

Seconds later, Holly and Henri had started on the script. As midnight approached, Michael joined the scribblers, injecting some good old-fashioned Scotch profanity. By 8am on Saturday, we were on location in Scheveningen. The day was long, but Vincenzo and his crew worked tirelessly. Our five actors, Sara, Lu, Ron, Miguel and Chris jumped into their characters with gusto. At around 7pm, our team, assisted by Marianna, Sergio, Sonja, Tanya, Ilya, Marisa and Angelo, crossed the finish line, and Vincenzo started the edit, working throughout the night and into Sunday. With literally minutes remaining before the 7.30pm deadline, the film was uploaded. We had done it! We had created a short movie, from scratch, in 48 hours!

Watch the trailer.

Feardirected by John Kearey

Featuring performances from Elske Toot and Lorna Wijma, the first project of the fledgling AATG filmclub was shot in the sunny Berkhoutpark in Voorschoten, on 6 June 2023. ‘Fear is a short theatrical piece written by Canadian playwright Greg Nelson and adapted for film by John Kearey.